We are here to walk with you on this journey back to HEALTH for your CHILD.
When your child is experiencing medical, behavioral, developmental or mental challenges, it can feel as if your world has been turned upside down. Any sense of security, peace and certainty about what tomorrow will bring, can evaporate quickly. That peace can be replaced with questions, chaos and uncertainty as you attempt to make sense of the sometimes conflicting information you are getting from doctors, therapists, teachers, care-givers, friends, family and yes, even the internet.
Here at Empowered Advocacy, we are here to help. We are here to walk beside you on this journey and help you find answers that will improve the quality of life for your child and ultimately for you and your entire family. Although, we do not provide medical advice or medical treatement, we do work with you to help improve outcomes for your family. Our focus is on YOUR ultimate goals and desires for your child. It is our firm belief that ALL kids deserve to be KIDS with the BEST quality of life available to them!
Our first job is to get to know you well enough so we know what is important to you.
Click here to contact us or here to access our Empowered Library for resources that can help you navigate this journey for your child and your family.